Shrimp: Take II
Shrimp: Take II
08/02/2018 AD worked
The last attempt at growing shrimp failed. So we are coming back at it with new knowledge. First of all, Tong makes sure the shrimp survive the trip from the supplier. Once home, the shrimps' water chemistry is checked and aeration provided 24/7
Lattitude: 15.1186° N
Longitude: 104.322° E
Region: South East Asia
Modern Day Thailand
Subjects Who or What worked?
Objects To Whom or What was worked?
Timelines (that include this event)
Aeration — Tong ensures that during the car trip to our farm, the new batch of shrimp are provided with aerated water the entire way.
Photo Credit: (c) 2018 - Muu
Tong ensures that during the car trip to our farm, the new batch of shrimp are provided with aerated water the entire way.
Safely Home — Tong transfers the shrimp to the pool at our shrimp farm. He feels that this is a better tank than the concrete tubs we used last time
Photo Credit: (c) 2018 - Muu
Safely Home
Tong transfers the shrimp to the pool at our shrimp farm. He feels that this is a better tank than the concrete tubs we used last time
Chemistry — Tong checks the air lines and water chemistry
Photo Credit: (c) 2018 - Muu
Tong checks the air lines and water chemistry
Events in 2018