Roof Eaves
Roof Eaves
08/01/2018 AD built
What a huge improvement the roof eaves are: They not only look great, but will prevent critters and birds from moving into the attic.
Lattitude: 15.1186° N
Longitude: 104.322° E
Region: South East Asia
Modern Day Thailand
Subjects Who or What built?
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Timelines (that include this event)
Such Pros — You can tell the twins mean business right from the set up of the scaffolding.
Photo Credit: (c) 2018 - Muu
Such Pros
You can tell the twins mean business right from the set up of the scaffolding.
Efficient — They always seem to work as a well oiled machine
Photo Credit: (c) 2018 - Muu
They always seem to work as a well oiled machine
Outdoor Lights — Back porch lighting is something we need: So far the twins have cut the channel to hold the conduit at both back doors
Photo Credit: (c) 2018 - Muu
Outdoor Lights
Back porch lighting is something we need: So far the twins have cut the channel to hold the conduit at both back doors
Events in 2018