Highslide JS Terry Hives on wrist and had 2022-02-24
Highslide JS Terry Hives on arm 2022-02-24
Highslide JS Terry suffers hives 20210816 2022-02-24
Highslide JS Day at the Beach Dicky and Terry spend their first ever day at the beach! 2022-02-24
Highslide JS Salmon at Crabby's Again, not worth the price! and definitely not worth the wait!! 2022-02-24
Highslide JS Oysters at Crabby's 20210711 - pretty ordinary - and the wait was horrific! Nearly 2 hours 2022-02-24
Highslide JS Ty relaxes 20210711 2022-02-24
Highslide JS Dicky on the run 20210711 2022-02-24
Highslide JS Dicky gets his feet wet 20210711 2022-02-24
Highslide JS Rick Muu and Boys at Daytona 20210711 2022-02-24
Highslide JS Muu at Crabby's Oceanside She's waiting for service - it would be a long wait! 2022-02-24
Highslide JS Jay, Mare, Ty 20210711 - Daytona Beach - our host showed us a great place to park and access the beach 2022-02-24
Highslide JS Florida Christmas The extended family gathers at Jay & Mare's place 2022-02-23
Highslide JS Terrible Twos? Dicky and Terry turn two years old today 2022-02-23
Highslide JS 2022 - 2nd Birthday 2022-02-23
Highslide JS 20220201 2022-02-23