Highslide JS Good Morning There was a buffalo grazing on our property this morning when we left Noy''s house to go for a walk. It is pretty scary to walk past them as they are very large animals! 2018-07-23
Highslide JS Rick & Kwai 2018-07-23
Highslide JS Rice Fields Sirijanda Rice Fields When Yai's husband died he willed the family rice fields to be divided among the children. Muu, although technically his granddaughter received Jiap's share, since Muu was raised as if his daughter. 2018-07-23
Highslide JS 20170824-03 2018-07-23
Highslide JS 20170824-02 2018-07-23
Highslide JS 20170824-01 2018-07-23
Highslide JS Sirijanda Family Fields Kate, Cream, Tong, and Rick in the rice 2018-07-23
Highslide JS Sirijanda Rice 2017-08-24 Kate, Cream, Tong, Rick 2018-07-22
Highslide JS 2012-10-01 5 2018-07-22
Highslide JS 2012-10-01 4 2018-07-22
Highslide JS 2012-10-01 3 2018-07-22
Highslide JS 2012-10-01 2 2018-07-22
Highslide JS 2012-10-01 2018-07-22
Highslide JS Rick in Cisco Lobby 2016-11-07 2018-07-22
Highslide JS Muu Helps Muu offers suggestions about the room arrangement and helps with translation 2018-07-21
Highslide JS Rearranging Rick brings another desk into the room 2018-07-21