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Exterior Walls to Rafters

Exterior Walls to Rafters
09/17/2017 AD built

The exterior walls have now reached the bottom of the roof steel. Except, of course, for the bathroom and the front door.

Lattitude: 15.1186° N
Longitude: 104.322° E
Region: South East Asia
South East Asia
Modern Day Thailand
Subjects Who or What built?
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Timelines (that include this event)
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Inside — Even with the missing interior wall, now that the exterior walls meet the roof structure, it feels like you are actually inside the house
Photo Credit: (c) 2017 - Muu
Inside Even with the missing interior wall, now that the exterior walls meet the roof structure, it feels like you are actually inside the house
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How big is this? — It's time to get serious about the bathroom. Muu sends a photo of the measurement as the safer alternative to actually reading the tape!
Photo Credit: (c) 2017 - Muu
How big is this? It's time to get serious about the bathroom. Muu sends a photo of the measurement as the safer alternative to actually reading the tape!
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Scaffolding Inside — The scaffolding is poised for applying the plaster to the walls
Photo Credit: (c) 2017 - Muu
Scaffolding Inside The scaffolding is poised for applying the plaster to the walls
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