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Junction City Mall Opening

Junction City Mall Opening
03/31/2017 AD visited

The Junction City Mall opened with great fanfare. While Bie monitored the free WiFi, Rick and Muu were able to enjoy the festivities.

Lattitude: 16.8661° N
Longitude: 96.1951° E
Region: South East Asia
South East Asia
Modern Day Myanmar (Burma)
Subjects Who or What visited?
Objects To Whom or What was visited?
Timelines (that include this event)
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Just inside entrance — An interesting waterfall adorns the entrance to the mall
Photo Credit: (c) 2017 - Muu
Just inside entrance An interesting waterfall adorns the entrance to the mall
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Red Carpet
Photo Credit: (c) 2017 - Muu
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Drummers Drumming — There are all sorts of shows to entertain the customers
Photo Credit: (c) 2017 - Muu
Drummers Drumming There are all sorts of shows to entertain the customers
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Free Samples — There are pretty girls and free offerings everywhere to entice the customers
Photo Credit: (c) 2017 - Muu
Free Samples There are pretty girls and free offerings everywhere to entice the customers
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Movie Stars — Famous people perform on stage to welcome the visitors
Photo Credit: (c) 2017 - Muu
Movie Stars Famous people perform on stage to welcome the visitors
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Decorations — They keep the front entrance clear by queuing a long line of guests along the sides of the building
Photo Credit: (c) 2017 - Muu
Decorations They keep the front entrance clear by queuing a long line of guests along the sides of the building
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Dining — Like most malls, there are plenty of restaurants and a food court. We ate Thai!!
Photo Credit: (c) 2017 - Muu
Dining Like most malls, there are plenty of restaurants and a food court. We ate Thai!!
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That was good! — Muu gives the thumbs up to the Thai food!
Photo Credit: (c) 2017 - Muu
That was good! Muu gives the thumbs up to the Thai food!
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Overflow! — There are never enough ladies bathrooms...
Photo Credit: (c) 2017 - Muu
Overflow! There are never enough ladies bathrooms...
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