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Soi Does Repairs

Soi Does Repairs
07/30/2018 AD built

Soi built out much of the house including the plumbing & electrical systems as well as the ceiling. Today, he came to fix a couple of holes in the roof.
These had caused the back bedroom and bathroom lights to short out.
While here he was "assisted" by Cream who loves to supervise.

Lattitude: 15.1186° N
Longitude: 104.322° E
Region: South East Asia
South East Asia
Modern Day Thailand
Subjects Who or What built?
Objects To Whom or What was built?
Timelines (that include this event)
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Soi & Cream — 20180730
Photo Credit: (c) 2018 Rick
Soi & Cream 20180730
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Cream & Soi — 20180730
Photo Credit: (c) 2018 Rick
Cream & Soi 20180730
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