Surgery Tomorrow
Surgery Tomorrow
04/30/2018 AD convalescing
Everybody here is exhausted: The women have been taking turns sleeping on the floor or across three chairs.
We have a small hotel room down the street, but it's not getting much use. Incredibly, Cream who is now without any medication seems to be holding up fine. Think she likes all the attention. And of course, that coloring book!
Lattitude: 13.7563° N
Longitude: 100.5018° E
Region: South East Asia
Modern Day Thailand
Subjects Who or What convalescing?
Objects To Whom or What was convalescing?
Timelines (that include this event)
Samadhi — Cream working on Zen and the Art of Coloring
Photo Credit: (c) 2018 - Muu
Cream working on Zen and the Art of Coloring
Coy Smile — Cream is so proud of herself
Photo Credit: (c) 2018 - Muu
Coy Smile
Cream is so proud of herself
Decisions... — Cream's biggest concern seems to be what to color next.
Photo Credit: (c) 2016 - Muu
Cream's biggest concern seems to be what to color next.
I can do it — Cream refuses to let anybody help her hold the book. She is very determined and often quite stubborn as a result.
Photo Credit: (c) 2018 - Muu
I can do it
Cream refuses to let anybody help her hold the book. She is very determined and often quite stubborn as a result.
Is this done? — Often her focus seems beyond her age
Photo Credit: (c) 2018 - Muu
Is this done?
Often her focus seems beyond her age
Events in 2018