Preparations in Thailand for our arrival
01/25/2023 AD arrived

This week was a buzz of activity: Muu who packing and mothering the twins. Our sister-in-law Mare was searching for cheap fares and I was trying to find transportation to the airport, as well as checking on visa information.

I was also packing and scanning documents — Some items we would leave behind in the states and needed to br transported up to Orange County where JP would store them for us.

Muu was also making arrangements in Thailand for our arrival. We thought we would be arriving on Monday Jan 30. This would allow us to get the boys Thai passports in Bangkok, before heading to Ban Rung where we would throw a surprise birthday party for the twins on Feb 1.

Muu had contacted our trusty van driver a couple of days ago to let him know we were coming but we weren't sure of the itinerary. We also knew we would need help transporting all our luggage and the boys from the airport to a hotel and then home to Ban Rung by van. So, Muu told Tong to make arrangements to get to Bangkok and coordinate with the driver to pick us up at the airport.

We wanted to surprise of family, so we told only Tong we were coming and swore him to secrecy.

Everything was coming together nicely, when Mare called and said there was a flight arriving two days days earlier for the same price. Muu was out shopping for a new stroller at the time and didn't answer her phone, so I made a command decision and told Mare to book it.

It wasn't long before I realized that we would be arriving on the weekend when the passport office would be closed in Bangkok, so we would need another night in a Bangkok hotel, but it was too late, the non-changeable flight was booked.

Then when Muu came home, she launched into action to move the Thailand timetable up...

The driver was able to accommodate the change, and Tong and Bing got on a shuttle bus to Bangkok right away.

Muu said that she had also found out that we could get the boys their passports in Sisaket, so now we began to entertain the idea of just driving straight from the airport to Ban Rung, since we really had no obligations in Bangkok.

We would arrive at Suvarnabhumi airport at around midnight on Saturday. And our driver, who is incredibly easy going, said that we could decide when we arrived whether to go to hotel for the night or go straight to Ban Rung from the airport.

Lattitude: 13.7563° N
Longitude: 100.5018° E
Region: South East Asia
South East Asia
Modern Day Thailand
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