Highslide JS
Made it to Korea — halfway home...

Made it to Korea — halfway home...
01/28/2023 AD departed

The trip from LA to Seoul was really difficult. The boys nervously tapped the seats in front of them which was irritating to those passengers. However, the boys were not very vocal, but they did want to escape their seats.

About 23 hours into the trip we are departing Seoul for the six hour flight to Bangkok. The kids (and we the parents) are already exhausted.

Incheon airport is immaculately clean and beautiful, but the flight was delayed by over an hour, and there was no milk to be found in the terminal so the boys were miserable.

Once we got on the plane, though, they had some milk and the boys were falling asleep before we got off the ground.

Lattitude: 37.5519° N
Longitude: 126.9918° E
Region: Far East
Far East
Modern Day South Korea
Subjects Who or What departed?
Highslide JS
Getting on the flight from Seoul to Bangkok — 1/28/2023
Photo Credit: (c) 2023 - sirijanda.com
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