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Loading the car — Again!

Loading the car — Again!
01/26/2023 AD packed

We considered getting renting a van for the trip from North San Diego to LAX, but there were two big issues: There weren't very many available, and those that were available either lacked the seats or space we required.

So, I decided to load the car using the car top luggage carrier we had used two months before for our cross country trip. One remaining issue was that we needed to be able to box the car seats as they would also be going to Thailand.

I got four suitcases on top of the car, and a suitcase and guitar in the trunk (and of course our trusty double stroller), but no way two boxes would also fit. The inside of the car was full as well, I would be driving, with Muu and the boys crammed in the back seat.

John in the front passenger seat so he could drive the car back to his place after we got dropped off at the airport.

So we collapsed the two boxes that would hold the car seats and put them in the trunk, along with several trash bags full of stuff we would put into the boxes with the car seats.

Escondido, CA
Lattitude: 33.1192° N
Longitude: 117.0864° W
Region: North America
North America
Modern Day United States
Subjects Who or What packed?
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Getting Started
Photo Credit: (c) 2023 - sirijanda.com
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Love this trunk
Photo Credit: (c) 2023 - sirijanda.com
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