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Tallahassee - Wonderful

Tallahassee - Wonderful
11/09/2022 AD arrived

Following the horrible incidents at La Quinta, the Best Western Plus was like night and day.

We got some quantity sleep in our clean and spacious room, but what we really loved was the breakfast. There was something for everybody and it was all delicious. Scrambled eggs with cheese, waffles, muffins, fresh oranges, bananas, and apples, chocolate milk, pastrie...

Tallahassee, FL
Lattitude: 30.4383° N
Longitude: 84.2807° W
Region: North America
North America
Modern Day United States
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Highslide JS
Best West Plus - Tallahassee North Hotel — Highly Recommended!
Photo Credit: https://www.bestwestern.com/en_US/book/hotel-search.html?propertyCity=Tallahassee
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