Highslide JS
Green Screen

Green Screen
04/16/2019 AD photographed

Ok, it's really a blue screen — Sometimes we have to make do with what we have.

While the kids are on their long school break, they have been learning about video production.

Today, Tong shoots sister Tae against the blue screen in order to experiment with the technique.

Tae made herself up, so we thought we would share some of raw stills!

Lattitude: 13.7563° N
Longitude: 100.5018° E
Region: South East Asia
South East Asia
Modern Day Thailand
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Timelines (that include this event)
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Tae blue screen 1
Photo Credit: (c) 2019 sirijanda.com
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Tae blue screen 2
Photo Credit: (c) 2019 sirijanda.com
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Tae blue screen 3
Photo Credit: (c) 2019 sirijanda.com
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